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Trinity Theatre
Church Road
Tunbridge Wells
Kent, TN1 1JP

Who is John Canty? Ah, well let us tell you… 👑

All, What's On Tunbridge Wells

Who is John Canty?

A renowned scallywag, he spends his life robbing, swindling and drinking (not necessarily always in that order), and is very much without a sense of a moral code.

Despite his capability of terrible deeds, you could find yourself feeling a little sad for him; without a good start in life and no education, Tudor England never really gave him a chance.

With two hungry kids at home to feed, it was all to easy to fall into a life of crime, and John just found it far too strong a pull to resist, but his real downfall is his addiction to drink, made worse by a sense of crippling shame.

There’s no forgiving some of the things John Canty has done, but deep down, he’s not all villain.

Dastardliness: 10
Crimes committed: Lots
Hygiene: 🤢 (all Tudors smell)

Character Rating 4/10

Costume Designer: Tara Usher

Join John and the rest of the cast for some festive family fun in The Prince and the Pauper, running through December and into January!